California Girls' Spectacular List of Everyday Things!

California Girls' Spectacular List of Everyday Things!
California Girls' Spectacular List of Everyday Things!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 1 - Popcorn

Popcorn is the subject for Day 1.  When we made the list, we thought it would be a fun way to start the year, and it is! What do I think of when I think of popcorn?  Movies, of course! So I decided to use the newspaper advertisement for The Theory of Everything as my background.  But I haven't seen the movie yet, so now it's on my list to see.


  1. What a great way to start your challenge. The even soft lighting works very well to highlight the beautiful warm caramel coloured popcorn bits. Very well done.
    And thanks for inviting the rest of us to join your mega-list shooting!

  2. Nice sharp popcorn against an interesting background = a great way to start the challenge. Thanks for sharing your list with us, it sure will be interesting to see what everyone comes up with.

  3. Great shot, Carol. the monotone of the background, really does make that golden popcorn stand out. I, as the others, are so happy to join in on doing your list. I'm a little freaked out about tomorrow because have no idea where to find something rusty that will actually look good. I keep fretting about the cold. Hopefully I'll find something in the house, if not, I'll have to fake it. :-D

  4. oh, Carol, in your commenting setting, can you add name/url as well as everything else as the Google address it gives for me is a very, very old blogspot from years ago. :-P **if it's not too much trouble! Maggie

  5. Very nice detailed shot. Looks like to me that you are a bit messy with your snacks when you read :) Hey, we got day one behind us...whoot!! By the way, you arbitrary droppings make for a nice composition :)

  6. Very nice. I like the tie in with the movies. The man in glasses in the top left made me laugh. It's like he's astonished that you'd leave popcorn out and not eat it.

    1. Thanks, JustLou! I was wondering if anyone would see that little staring eye! It was a 2-page newspaper advertisement and I needed something for that corner in my layout, so I moved that page so that I hoped people would see that the actor would seem to be eyeing the popcorn!

  7. Great detail and colourscheme and I love how you connect popcorn with the cinema using a newspaper.
    JustLou's comment made me take another look ;) and of course I searched for the info on that movie.

  8. To a seldom Movie goer, but science advocate, I was perplexed by the juxtaposition of the popcorn and such a title. Thankfully your explanation and a web search resolved my dilemma. Great start :)

  9. Reading that the "The Theory of Everything" is a film rather than a book (which was my first thought :)), makes much more sense in combination with the popcorn. I should keep better track of what I playing in theatres ;-) The popcorn looks yummy :D

  10. Great shot for the 'Popcorn' entry, I haven't seen the film but it's on my 'to do' list. I love the composition and the clarity. Well done.

  11. Love this one. The warm caramel of the popcorn goes so nicely against the black and white. I didn't notice the man with the glasses in the corner until someone mentioned it, and now my eye gets drawn to it unfortunately! But still a great homely shot.
